Searched, but couldn't find a good answer.
I have an ASP.NET
application that I am developing. I'm using session variables within the app.
In Firefox
& Chrome
, they all work.
But in IE
(ver 9), there's one variable that's not working. I'm not sure if it's a storage or a retrieval (or both) at this point. The variable in question that I'm storing is a List(T) type. It's the only one of it's kind that I'm using. Can't help but think there's a correlation there.
One other old post mentioned the possibility that cache is causing the problem, but I didn't understand the answer very well.
P.S. If possible, please post any code samples in VB
. Sometimes I can read the C#
and translate it, and sometimes not.
Dim Rec_IDs As New List(Of String)
Rec_IDs = Session("Rec_IDs")
Dim Rec_IDs As New List(Of String)
Dim Rec_ID As Int32
Rec_IDs = Session("Rec_IDs")
For Each Row As GridViewRow In gvParts.Rows
If CType(Row.FindControl("chkSelect"), CheckBox).Checked Then
Rec_ID = gvParts.DataKeys(Row.RowIndex).Value
If Not Rec_IDs.Contains(Rec_ID) Then
End If
CType(Row.FindControl("chkSelect"), CheckBox).Checked = False
End If
Session("Rec_IDs") = Rec_IDs
lblCount.Text = String.Format("You have {0} records selected", Rec_IDs.Count.ToString)
Other answer: Session Variable not working in Internet Explorer, but works fine in Firefox / Chrome
First check your cookies are enabled or not in your browser. If the cookies are blocked that will be the problem with IE
Also have a look at
Cookieless ASP.NET, ASP.NET State Management Overview,Difference between browser session and session