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EyelidFieldManager does not display bottom dock

I'm using an EyelidFieldManager on a MainScreen of my Blackberry app. Here is the code

EyelidFieldManager manager = new EyelidFieldManager();

HorizontalFieldManager buttonFieldSet = new HorizontalFieldManager(USE_ALL_WIDTH);
buttonFieldSet.addAll(new ButtonField[] {new ButtonField("One"), new ButtonField("Two"), new ButtonField("Three")});



Nothing gets shown at the bottom of the screen but when I change the line manager.addBottom(buttonFieldSet) to manager.addTop(buttonFieldSet) the HorizontalFieldManager gets displayed at the Top.

Why does this happen? Why is the EyelidFieldManager able to show the HorizontalFieldManager when it's docked at the top but not when its docked at the bottom.


  • Hey even i have been presently working with the eyelid field manager and i am getting the bottom dock perfectly. Check this

         // Add components to the south eye-lid of the blinker
        _eyelidFieldManager.addBottom(new LabelField(" Send Report as: ",LabelField.FIELD_HCENTER | LabelField.NON_FOCUSABLE));
        HorizontalFieldManager buttonPanel = new HorizontalFieldManager(Field.FIELD_HCENTER | Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
        buttonPanel.add(new ButtonField("One"));
        buttonPanel.add(new ButtonField("Two"));
        buttonPanel.add(new SimpleButton("Three"));

    Eyelid Field manager has been defined like this:

        private EyelidFieldManager _eyelidFieldManager; 

    and then this _eyelidFieldManager = new EyelidFieldManager();

    You can refer to my complete code here where i have tried using them within tabs Usage of vertical field manager with eyelid field manager in blackberry Hope it helps.