I have an Array with 26 Alphabets and Second Array with 3 UIButtons. I want to take random 3 Alphabets from the Array and Set them randomly As a Titles of 3 UIButtons .here is code.
-(void)placeImages {
NSMutableArray *alphabetarr=[[NSArray alloc]
NSMutableArray *buttons = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:btn1, btn2, btn3, nil];
for (UIButton *btn in buttons) {
int randomIndex= arc4random() % [alphabetarr count];
NSString* titre = [alphabetarr objectAtIndex:randomIndex];
[btn setTitle:titre forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[alphabetarr removeObjectAtIndex:randomIndex];
Through using this code i seen only one alphet in one UIButton..please Suggest any one how Can I pick 3 random alphatbet from an Array and set these 3 random alphabets as Titles of 3 UIButtons of array.
Try this to generate random character. No need to set up an array for that.
char c = (char)('A' + arc4random_uniform(25))