Search code examples
idea for designing the following screen
I know how to add the footer but how to add the header(login box) at the middle as in the screen
Relative layout
transparent image
for Login box
and more add this layout in
will give good look to your app
Flutter Android: Unable to fetch in-app products from Google Play
How to add padding to my UI to avoid being obscured by display cut-out when in landscape orientation?
how to stop Handler in Android?
Collapse Navigation BottomBar while scrolling on Jetpack Compose
Make Text tab open by default in Android Studio
How to implement custom shape with half circle clip on the sides with with Jetpack Compose?
Understanding Android: Zygote and DalvikVM
Best way to compare dates in Android
how to secure keys for API calls from android device to amazon services
Merging cells in Excel using Apache POI
Failed to resolve: com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:2.8.1
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Flow is empty
My flutter app is crashing (keep stopping) if user give location permission as "Allow all the time". Problem is only in Android 13 devices
Android Notification bigLargeIcon: Overload resolution ambiguity. All these functions match
Room database not returning prepopulated data on first app run with Flow and LiveData in Jetpack Compose
Problems encountered when developing apps with Android 14
NavigationView menu items with actionLayout. How can I set those action layout's attribute for each item?
Adding MapLibre to a new Android project is not working
Android textview break line behaviour (how to split the last word)
Implementing scrollable view flipper for Android widget
Android notification sound not playing, intermittently
Multiple buttons in single page navigating each button to different page in android studio
All Android Projects have a red cross with them in Eclipse
Android - getRunningservices(ActivityManager) deprecated
EXPO - RN - Dev build failing because of expo-camera
What is drawable-v21 / drawable-v24?
Android build produces error "Attempt to create a global synthetic for 'Record desugaring' without a global-synthetics consumer."
Gradle is not adding Dagger 2 generated classes to aar
Android Studio does not have Java language
How can I remove all items in a HashMap where key value is greater than a defined value