I've been trying to teach myself about cookies for the last couple of hours and how I would go about storing values from a few form fields into a cookie.
Im not having much luck, all the examples I've found havent been very helpful. Should I generate them using PHP or JS? Any feedback or a kick in the right direction would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Here's an example.
All you need is jQuery and cookie plugin
Keep in mind, there're couple of changes in html code.
$(document).on('submit', '#myForm', function() {
// serialize our form (get string containing field names and values)
dataString = $(this).serialize();
// set new cookie
$.cookie('formCookie', dataString);
return false;
$(document).on('click', '#getCookie', function() {
// get serialized string from cookie
cookieData = $.cookie('formCookie');
// if cookie exists continue
if (cookieData != null) {
// split cookieData string into an array of fields and their values
cookieArray = cookieData.split('&');
// go through each field and split it too to get field name and it's value
$.each(cookieArray, function(k, v) {
field = v.split('=');
// populate field with data
$('#myForm [name="'+field[0]+'"]').val(field[1]);
return false;