Search code examples

Programmatically upload synonyms to google search api using java

I'm having issues figuring out how to programmatically upload synonyms to the google search api from my server using java.

1. The Authorization: The description of how to do a server to google api is explained here. Where can I find a simple example of this using java?

2. Upload synonyms: I have created the xml to be uploaded, explained here. I am not able to see how I actually upload this to the google-api. Is there an example of how this is done?


  • 1. The Authorization

        public static String getAuthorizationToken() throws IOException, HttpException{
          PostMethod method = new PostMethod("");
          method.addParameter("accountType", "HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE");
          method.addParameter("Email", "");
          method.addParameter("Passwd", "myPassword");
          method.addParameter("service", "cprose");
          method.addParameter("source", "mySource");
          String response = executeMethodAsString(method);
          return retrieveAuthFromResponse(response);

    2. Upload synonym

        public static String updateSynonyms(String authToken, String xml) throws HttpException, IOException{
            PostMethod method = new PostMethod("");
            method.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
            method.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken);
            RequestEntity entitiy = new StringRequestEntity(xml, "text/xml", "utf-8");
            return executeMethodAsString(method);