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What is this iOS UI Element called, and how do I make one?

In the picture below, I have drawn on the element I am trying to figure out how to make. It is a cross between a UISlider and a UIProgressview. It has the style and look of a UIProgressview, but has a ...slider like a UISlider. How would I make one of these regularly? Nearly every music player has them... :|


  • Are you talking about the volume slider or the track progress?

    If it is the volume slider, its just the normal UISlider.

    And if you're talking about the track progress, then it is also a UISlider. The difference is that every time a second passes in the track, it updates the position of the slider relative to the position in the track. Then when the user slides the slider it updates the position of the track relative to the position of the slider

    Hope this helps