Not a specific question as such, I'm more trying to test the waters. I like distributed objects, and I like grand central dispatch; How about I try to combine the two?
Does that even make sense? Has anyone played around in these waters? Would I be able to use GCD to help synchronize object access across machines? Or would it be better to stick to synchronizing local objects only? What should I look out for? What design patterns are helpful and what should I avoid?
as an example, I use GCD queues to synchronize accesses to a shared resource of some kind. What can I expect to happen if I make this resource public via distributed objects? Questions like: How nicely to blocks play with distributed objects? Can I expect to use the everything as normal across machines? If not, can I wrangle it to do so? What difficulties can I expect?
I very much doubt this will work well. GCD objects are not Cocoa objects, so you can't reference them remotely. GCD synchronization primitives don't work across process boundaries.
While blocks are objects, they do not support NSCoding
, so they can't be transmitted across process boundaries. (If you think about it, they are not much more than function pointers. The pointed-to function must have been compiled into the executable. So, it doesn't make sense that two different programs would share a block.)
Also, Distributed Objects depends on the connection being scheduled in a given run loop. Since you don't manage the threads used by GCD, you are not entitled to add run loop sources except temporarily.
Frankly, I'm not even sure how you envision it even theoretically working. What do you hope to do? How do you anticipate it working?