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Xcode organizer documentation, show Table of Contents

I know this can be done, as I've done it before - but I can't remember how, and I've searched and can't find how either.

I want the Xcode organiser documentation to show the 'table of contents', just as it does if you load the API docs in a web browser. They are hidden by default, and there is a command I can execute to make it visible.

Anybody know what it is?


(The bit on the left of my screen shot)

enter image description here


  • This is for Xcode 4.3:

    sudo egrep -lRZ "Prototype.Browser.Xcode4OrNewer=Prototype.Browser.XcodeVersion<1000;" ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets | xargs -0 -L % sudo sed -i '' -e 's/Prototype\.Browser\.Xcode4OrNewer\=Prototype\.Browser\.XcodeVersion\<1000\;/Prototype\.Browser\.Xcode4OrNewer\=false\;/g'

    ..and your documentation will now look like this:

    enter image description here

    Not for everyone, but I like it.