I'm writing a function that averages every 10 units of a 100 unit vector. I have to clear a temporary sum after every 10 iterations.
Normally, I would write ave=0.0
but if the ave
is not a double but some type T
, I run into problems. For example if I average over points with xyz coordinate,s I can't do {x,y,z} = 0.0
to work around, I tried to create a smart pointer and then reset it. that gave me seg fault. what is the best way to clear an object that doesn't have a specified type?
template <class T>
vector<T> average(const vector<T> &v, const int n) {
vector<T> ave_vec;
int iave = 0;
shared_ptr<T> ave(new T);
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
*ave += v[i];
if (iave == n) {
ave.reset(); ///> gives seg fault
return ave_vec;
if I replace ave.reset()
with ave = 0.0
, the code works.
To initialize it:
T ave = T();
and to reset it:
ave = T();