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Can we use Diffie-Hellman public key encrytion algorithm with login control?

I am trying to find out the internals of login control in Does it uses some Public key encryption algorithm to exchange a key and then uses it for further communication as a symmetric key.

Also do we have our say in choosing the encryption algorithms like for ex i want to specifically use Diffie Hellman with login control. Is it possible and how can i achieve this?


  • Disclaimer: I'm no cryptographer...

    • The Login controls use ASP.Net Membership along with Forms Authentication by default.
    • You can create your own auth mechanism
    • The default hash algorithm used in Membership is SHA1. Yes, you have a choice. I've had to use MD5 in a migration project (if memory serves from phpBB to more than a few years back...
    • (see disclaimer) Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDiffieHellman) info
