This issue came up to me in vBulletin system. i want to build a block in sidebar area to help me autmate some daily works.. i wrote php code like this :
$myDay = date('D');
$myHour = date('G');
// Saturday
if ($myDay == "Sat") {
if ($myHour >= 7) {
$output = include('textFilePath/saturday.txt');
} else {
$output = include('textFilePath/friday.txt');
// Sunday
if ($myDay == "Sun") {
if ($myHour >= 7) {
$output = include('textFilePath/sunday.txt');
} else {
$output = include('textFilePath/saturday.txt');
// and it goes on to friday...
// and in the end :
return $output;
my problem is with include() function . when i return the $output value it returns a boolean(0 or 1) and include function writes out the txt files content in the beginning of document instead of "sidebar block" i know i can echo the actual content instead of using include and txt files. but as i said i want to automate the daily tasks and give the users access to edit the txt files.
is there any other technique or function to assign the content of a local file to a variable ?
you may want to check
$output = file_get_contents('textFilePath/saturday.txt');
more information here :