I have several text files that have lots of newlines between texts that I would like to normalize but there is no pattern to amount of newline between the texts for example:
Some text
More text
So what I wanted to change where the amount of newline is bigger than X to Y so let's say, when there is 5 sequential newlines it becomes 2, 10 it becomes 3.
My currently problem is I don't know how I should go about identifying which lines I will have to normalize.
I know I could count the new lines using split, and other ways like verifying if the line is empty etc... But perhaps there is a simple regex or better approach to solve this problem ?
List<string> Normalize(string fileName, int size)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
int blanks = 0;
foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(fileName))
if (line.Trim() == "")
if (blanks++ < size)
blanks = 0;
return line;