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GNU Make Convert Spaces to Colons

Given a colon-delimited list of paths, getting a space-delimited list with GNU Make is straightforward:

CPATHS := /usr/bin/foo:/usr/bin/baz:/usr/bin/baz
SPATHS := $(subst :, ,$(CPATHS))

However, I couldn't find a nice way to go the opposite direction. The following hack does work (at least if sed is installed) but I'm pretty sure there will be a nicer way to solve this just using Make's internal functions.

SPATHS := /usr/bin/foo /usr/bin/baz /usr/bin/baz
CPATHS := $(shell echo $(SPATHS) > tmp; sed 's/ \+/:/g' tmp; rm tmp)


  • The only tricky part here is to define a literal space:

    space := $(subst ,, )
    SPATHS := /usr/bin/foo /usr/bin/baz /usr/bin/baz
    CPATHS := $(subst $(space),:,$(SPATHS))