I have moved this question to code review
I've written a recursive descent parser in bash.
I'm wondering if you can point out something helpful to me. It supports backslash escapes and quoted fields with parse error reporting.
The script works like cut
in some ways.. taking input from file or stdin
allowing the user to select which line and which field they would like printed out. using options -l
and -f
respectively. A list of fields can be printed and a custom delimiter for that list can be specified using options --list '1 2 3 4 5' and --list-seperator $'\n' for example.
shopt -s extglob; # we need maxiumum expression capabilities enabled
# option variables
declare list='' delim=$'\n' field='' lineNum=1;
while [[ ${1:0:1} = '-' ]]; do # Parse user arguments
case $1 in
field=$2; shift 2;
lineNum=$2; shift 2;
delim="$2"; shift 2;
list="$2"; shift 2;
*) break;;
# open a user supplied file on stdin
[[ -e "$1" ]] && exec 0<$1;
# data from 'read/getline'
declare input='';
# we are using sed to optimize input, the command just prints the desired line
read -r input < <(sed -n ${lineNum}p)
# why doesn't the above work as a pipe into read?
# range of this line
declare strLen=${#input} value='';
# data processing variables
declare symbol='' value='';
# REGEX symbol "classes"
declare nothing='' comma='[,]' quote='["]' backslash='[\]' text='[^,\"]';
# integers:
declare -i iPos=-1 tPos=0;
# output array:
declare -a items=();
NextSymbol() {
symbol="${input:$((++iPos)):1}"; # get next char from string
(( iPos < strLen )); # return false if we are out of range
Accept() {
[[ -z "$symbol" && -z "$1" ]] && return 0; # accept "nothing/empty"
# if you can meld the above line into the next line
# let me know: pc.wiz.tt@gmail.com; this is some kind of bug!
# becare careful because expect expects 'nothing' to be empty.
# that's why it says 'end of input'
[[ "$symbol" =~ ^$1$ ]] && NextSymbol && return 0; # match symbol
Expect() {
Accept "$1" && return
local msg="$0: parse failure: line $lineNum: expected symbol: "
echo "$msg'${1:-end of input}'" >&2;
echo "$0: found: '$symbol'" >&2;
exit 1;
value() {
while Accept $text; do # symbol will not be what we expect here
value+=${input:$((iPos-1)):1}; # so get what we expect
Accept $nothing && { # this will only happen at end of the string
value+=${input:$((iPos-1)):1} # get the last char
pushValue; # push the data into the array
pushValue() {
value=''; # clear value!
quote() {
until [[ $symbol =~ $quote || -z $symbol ]]; do
Expect $quote;
line() {
Accept $quote && {
Accept $backslash && {
Accept $comma && {
Accept $text && {
Expect $nothing
[[ $field ]] && { # want field
echo "${items[field-1]}" # print the item
# (index justified for human use)
[[ $list ]] && { # want list
for index in $list; do
echo -n "${items[index-1]}${delim}" # print the list
# (index justified for human use)
exit 1; # no field or list
Seriously, the way to make it faster is to write in in a language that isn't interpreted.
A shell may be a poor choice for a parser for the same reason I wouldn't write an accounting package in 6502 assembly language, or an operating system in COBOL.
And, honestly, awk
isn't going to be that much better. It's ideal for sequential text processing but it would be a stretch to apply it to something as complex as a parser.
Sometimes, you just have to rethink the tools you're using. If you can't do it is a compiled language like C, at least give some thought to a byte-code oriented language like Python.