I'm on a mac. I've been using Launchd's WatchPaths directive to watch a directory for file changes. My script only triggers when a file is added or deleted from the watched directory.
However, the script does not trigger when a file is modified..
Essentially, I'm trying to create a DIY Dropbox for syncing my Sites folder.
Is there a way to do this via launchd, bash or python?
I think linux has something like inotify, but I am not aware of a solution for mac.
I tried my hand at the problem, using the MacFSEvents package (available on PyPI, too):
import os
from fsevents import Observer, Stream
def callback(file_event):
print file_event.name # the path of the modified file
def main():
observer = Observer()
observe_path = os.getcwd() # just for this example
stream = Stream(callback, observe_path, file_events=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
This will call callback
any time a file is created, modified, or deleted (you can check which event occurred using the value of file_event.mask
Note that you will probably want to observe on a thread outside of the main thread (the above program refuses to quit, even on KeyboardInterrupt
). More information on the API can be found in the MacFSEvents README. Hope this helps!