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Why is this regexp not returning any matches?

I'm using a dart regular expression and trying to find a match.

Dart code:

  RegExp exp = const RegExp("/my/i");
  String str = "Parse my string"; 
  Iterable<Match> matches = exp.allMatches(str);
  for (Match m in matches) {
    String match =;

I'm trying to perform a case-insensitive search to find all matches of a string. It says there are no matches. I'm sure I'm messing up somewhere because I'm new to regexp. How can I modify the code to find the match?

For context, I plan to modify the code to search for any string which I think will be achieved with the following code.

RegExp exp = const RegExp("/${searchTerm}/i");


  • The /pattern/flags syntax works in JavaScript, but not Dart as Dart doesn't have regex literals. Instead the docs show this:

    const RegExp(String pattern, [bool multiLine, bool ignoreCase])

    So your constructor should look like:

    RegExp exp = const RegExp("my", ignoreCase: true);