some friends and me are developing a game in cocos2d :), and im using fmdb for some settings in it. Actually i have this code :
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"myDB" ofType:@"sqlite"];
mainDB = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:path];
if ([mainDB open])
NSLog(@"did open db");
NSLog(@"did not open db");
_stages = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[mainDB open];
FMResultSet *FResult = [mainDB executeQuery:@"select * from stagesTable"];
NSLog(@"columns : %d",[FResult columnCount]);
if ([FResult next])
NSLog(@"have objects");
NSLog(@"dont have objects");
NSLog(@"with %d objects",[_stages count]);
[mainDB close];
But FResult is not storing anything, mainDB does open, but columns are 0 objects are 0 and it always says that it doesnt have any objects. What could be wrong? Thanks :D !
Try setting logsErrors=YES;
on your mainDB
and watch the output on the console.
You never populate _stages so that will always have zero objects in it..