I am working with application in delphi. I need to use MIDIYOKE to send output from my application to another application. The second application is Virtual piano keyboard.
I installed all the packages and got MIDI components in the delphi.
I tried using MidiOutputPort1 and MidiInput1 components. I tried playing one MIDI.The code is as follows:
procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
outputPort : TMidiOutputPort;
outputPort := TMidiOutputPort.Create (Nil);
outputPort.PortId := -1;
outputPort.Active := True;
outputPort.PatchChange(0, 127, 0); // Gunshot
outputPort.NoteOn (1, 20, 127); // Play note at full volume
Sleep (1000);
outputPort.NoteOff (0, 60, 0);
I wanted to estalish connection between my application and Virtual piano keyboard.How to use MidiOutputPort1 and MidiInput1 for the connection between the two.
If both applications support MIDI sync you can use MIDI syncing. In that case MIDIYOKE is the master and Vpk is the slave. Syncing is handled by the following commands:
mc_MIDI_Timing_Clock = $F8;
mc_MIDI_Start = $FA;
mc_MIDI_Continue = $FB;
mc_MIDI_Stop = $FC;
I used it in the far past, so my knowledge is a bit rusty. What I can gather from my code is that it works as follows: Set the slave in the slave/sync receive/whatever it's called mode. Next send $FA to the channel of your choice. Some (not all) slaves require you to listen to specific channels.
At each clock tick send $F8 first. Next send the messages, preceded by the $FB message (both data bytes zero). When you're ready send $FC.