I have multiple controllers, assume them controller Main and Sub,
Controller Sub fires an event , I want to catch it on controller Main,
what should I do? thanks!
Edit: I paste my code here
in Sub Controller:
config: {
control: {
'pinlist': {
disclose: 'showPinDetails'
, showPinDetails: function(list, record) {
this.fireEvent('showPinDetails',list, record);
in Main Controller:
requires: [
config: {
listeners: {
'showPinDetails': 'showPinDetails',
} ,
showPinDetails: function(list, record){
So, I just got the log 'showPinDetails' from Sub, rather from the two
In your Sub controller, suppose that you fired an event through something like this:
Then you have to define the listener and handler programmatically in your Main Controller. The best practice is:
Ext.define('app.controller.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
config: {
refs: {
yourComponent: 'enter your selector here, eg. #id'
control: {
yourComponent: {
'my_event': 'my_event_handler'
my_event_handler: function() {
//do whatever you want here