Apples documentation alludes to it, but how do you set up key-value observation for the loadedTimeRanges property of AVPlayerItem? That property is an NSArray that doesn't change, so you can't just use playerItem addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"loadedTimeRanges ...
Or is there another way to get notifications or updates whenever this changes?
Actually, I'm using KVO for loadedTimeRanges without any trouble. Maybe you're just not setting the right options? The following is a very slight modification of some of the code in Apple's AVPlayerDemo, and it's working quite nicely for me.
//somewhere near the top of the file
NSString * const kLoadedTimeRangesKey = @"loadedTimeRanges";
static void *AudioControllerBufferingObservationContext = &AudioControllerBufferingObservationContext;
- (void)someFunction
// ...
//somewhere after somePlayerItem has been initialized
[somePlayerItem addObserver:self
options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial | NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew
// ...
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString*) path
if (context == AudioControllerBufferingObservationContext)
NSLog(@"Buffering status: %@", [object loadedTimeRanges]);