In my app, I'm storing the user's choice of a ringtone in a SharedPreference file. When the app is reinstalled and the backup is restored, I want to check if the ringtone still exists on the device, because if it doesn't I would want to use the default ringtone (as opposed to playing nothing).
So to do so, I plan on overriding the onRestore
method and checking if the ringtone is available on the device.
So how can I go about checking if a ringtone exists on the Android device (I would prefer the most lightweight method possible)?
Assuming that you are storing the ringtone as a content://
value, I would use either openInputStream()
or getType()
on ContentResolver
. getType()
is probably "the most lightweight", but it might be prone to false negatives (e.g., ringtone exists but the MIME type cannot be determined for some reason).