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Example of delayed expansion in batch file

Can someone give me an example of where a batch script would act differently with or without delayed expansion? Are there any situations where you would NOT want to use delayed expansion? Thanks.


  • Look at the following examples...

    Example 1: The following code DOESN'T use delayed expansion, so the variables in the for loop are expanded only one time. This means that %Count% will always expand to 0 in each iteration of the loop, no matter what we do to it with the set command:

    @echo off
    set COUNT=0
    for %%v in (1 2 3 4) do (
      set /A COUNT=%COUNT% + 1
      echo Count = %COUNT%

    So this script will output:

    Count = 0
    Count = 0
    Count = 0
    Count = 0

    This is not how this loop is supposed to work.

    Example 2: On the other hand, if we use delayed expansion, we have the following script, which will run as expected.

    set COUNT=0
    for %%v in (1 2 3 4) do (
      set /A COUNT=!COUNT! + 1
      echo Count = !COUNT!

    and, as expected, it will output:

    Count = 1
    Count = 2
    Count = 3
    Count = 4

    When you use the ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION, and expand a variable using ! instead of %, the variable is re-expanded each time, and everything works as it's supposed to.