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How to convert a large number to base 36 using DC or other

I am trying to represent the maximum 64-bit unsigned value in different bases.

For base 2 (binary) it would be 64 1's:


For base 16 (hex) it would be 16 F's


For base 10 (decimal) it would be:


I'm trying to get the representation of this value in base 36 (it uses 0-9 and A-Z). There are many online base converters, but they all fail to produce the correct representation because they are limited by 64-bit math.

Does anyone know how to use DC (which is an extremely hard to use string math processors that can handle numbers of unlimited magnitude) and know how to do this conversion? Either that or can anyone tell me how I can perform this conversion with a calculator that won't fail due to integer roll-over?


  • I mad a quick test with ruby:

    i = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'.to_i(16)
    puts i               #18446744073709551615
    puts i.to_s(36)      #3w5e11264sgsf

    You may also use larger numbers:

    i = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'.to_i(16) ** 16
    puts i                  
    puts i.to_s(36)      



    A short explanation what happens with big numbers:

    Normal numbers are Fixnums. If you get larger numbers, the number becomes a Bignum:

    small = 'FFFFFFF'.to_i(16)
    big = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'.to_i(16) ** 16
    puts "%i is a %s" % [ small, small.class ]
    puts "%i\n is a %s" % [ big, big.class ]
    puts "%i^2 is a %s" % [ small, (small ** 2).class ]


    268435455 is a Fixnum
     is a Bignum
    268435455^2 is a Bignum

    From the documentation of Bignum:

    Bignum objects hold integers outside the range of Fixnum. Bignum objects are created automatically when integer calculations would otherwise overflow a Fixnum. When a calculation involving Bignum objects returns a result that will fit in a Fixnum, the result is automatically converted.