Currently in my app I can access my database of users, but now I need to open the user's facebook page when I click on either their avatar or username. I can access the user's facebook id by data.facebook id
. I did have working code earlier, but it required my to enter a static URL, but I need the URL to be generated based on the user's id.
This is my code so far
private function newBrowserWindow():void
//Creating a URL for a facebook profile
var facebookUrl:* = "" + data.facebookid;
I access this function with the following code:
<s:Image id="fbImg" source="{data.facebookid}/picture?type=normal" x="0" y="0" click="newBrowserWindow()"/>
<s:Label id="usernameLbl" x="120" y="0" fontFamily="Calibri" fontSize="25" fontWeight="bold" text="{data.firstname} {data.lastname}" click="newBrowserWindow()"/>
My code is showing no errors so I don't know what's wrong. My previous working code required me to access the click handler via click="newBrowserWindow('')
and thus the function required an object to process, but I removed that because I couldn't seem to get around typing in a static URL.
Any ideas?
Use URLRequest
in navigateToURL:
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(facebookUrl));