I'm in the process of setting up TFS and have created a project with \Main and \Release folders. If I create a build definition (with a CI trigger) I'm assuming that by default the build will trigger whenever a file is checked-in anywhere in the project?
How do I configure it to only build solutions under \Main AND only when something has been checked-in under \Main? i.e. I don't want it to build if I check-in a file under \Release, for example.
Also, I could do with some pointers on how I go about configuring the build to automatically set the version number (and perhaps other properties like company name, etc.) in a solution's assemblyinfo file...
You limit the scope of what is checked by changing the workspace mapping.
To find information on increasing the version number customizing the build, see http://www.ewaldhofman.nl/post/2010/05/13/Customize-Team-Build-2010-e28093-Part-5-Increase-AssemblyVersion.aspx