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Thousands of new 0 size objects being added to my net total every second, should I be worried?

I have just finished ridding my project of leaks, but there are still thousands of objects under the category "GeneralBlock-0". The number of net allocations is through the roof (its approaching a million as I type) but none of them are leaks and none of them have a size greater than 0 bytes.


QuartzCore is responsible for all of the offending objects.

The responsible callers are (in order of execution per iteration of the game loop:

-[CALayer setPosition:]
x_hash_table_new_  // x2
-[CALayer setPosition:] // x9
-[CALayer(CALayerPrivate)_copyRenderLayer:flags:] //x13

When run on a device, 48 byte sized objects are allocated under GeneralBlock-64, 128, 256 etc. with these same properties as described above. This is unacceptable since it obviously causes a significant slow down. This is what code in my project the problem is traced to: = CGPointMake(,;
while (nextRow = thisTopRow.below) { //stops running when thisTopRow.below is nil = CGPointMake(,;       
    if ( < 401 && !nextRow.userInteractionEnabled)
        [nextRow enableInteraction];        
    thisTopRow = nextRow;

I was under the impression that CGPoint was a type, and would be deallocated at the end of the block of code. Why is it hogging my memory? If it comes down to it, I will upload the trace file I saved in instruments for anyone interested, but I'm pretty sure I covered everything.


  • Assuming you can duplicate the behavior under the Simulator, check to make sure your application's RSIZE is not also increasing using 'top -u' in a Terminal.

    This is most likely because QuartzCore has implemented its own allocator and allocation zone, but has not fully hooked into the statistics gathering mechanism that Instruments uses.

    Please file a bug.