I have a list of nations, and I want to have the longest path of nations where each country chosen must begin with the same letter that ended the previous element
nations = ['albania','andorra','austria','belarus','belgium','bosnia and herzegovina',
'bulgaria','croatia','czech republic','denmark','estonia',
'san marino','serbia','slovakia','slovenia','spain','sweden', 'switzerland',
'ukraine','united kingdom','vatican city']
>>>['spain', 'netherlands', 'slovenia', 'andorra', 'austria', 'albania']
I tried this way, but it doesn't work
def chain(naz):
initial = naz[-1]
res = set()
for i in nations:
if i.startswith(initial):
for j in initials:
return res
Any suggestion?
I've also gone for recursive descent. Not sure if dynamic programming is a good fit for this as the list is modified as we go. Slightly more compact and doesn't need start removed from the list before calling chain. :-)
def chain(start, countries):
remaining = list(countries)
del remaining[remaining.index(start)]
possibles = [x for x in remaining if x[:1] == start[-1:]]
maxchain = []
for c in possibles:
l = chain(c, remaining)
if len(l) > len(maxchain):
maxchain = l
return [start] + maxchain
Call like this. :-)
>>> chain('spain', nations)
['spain', 'netherlands', 'serbia', 'albania', 'andorra', 'austria']