Imagine I do:
echo $PATH
in a terminal. Is is possible that the result is automatically copied so that if I do Ctrl+y it would get printed? As I understand it, when doing Ctrl+k on a terminal, the text is saved in a memory buffer that belongs to the terminal, so I would think something like this should be possible.
Any thoughts?
Depends. Linux, Mac or Windows?
The mac has the commands pbcopy
and pbpaste
to copy and paste something from the clipboard.
Copy example (mac):
echo $PATH | pbcopy
Paste Example (mac):
echo "$(pbpaste -Prefer txt)"
Linux uses X which has multiple copy-paste buffers (somewhat akin to the clipboard, but a little more involved).
You can use a little application like XSel to copy/paste, The command would be used in the same form as the pbcopy/pbpaste
echo $PATH | xsel --clipboard
echo "$(xsel --output --clipboard)"
For windows, you can use an app like clip, which allows the same copy/paste functionality
set %PATH% | clip
I generally use Linux/Unix so I don't have the equivalent for pasting from the clipboard on Windows.