I can write into a relative file1, then when I try to read the content and display it on the screen (to check if data are actually into the file), I do not have the records which I believe are already present in the file. I am using Dev-C++. Any help will be appreciated. The code is below;
#include <iostream> // cin, cout
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
#define SIZE 10
struct client // Client record
int account; // from 1 to SIZE
char name[20];
double balance;
void make_file(char filename[], int number_of_records)
cout << "\nMAKE_FILE: Creating a blank relative file " << filename
<< " containing " << number_of_records << " records.";
ofstream OS(filename, ios::out);
if(!OS) {cerr << "File open error." << endl; exit(1);}
client blank={0, "", 0.0}; // Create an empty client record
OS.write((char *)&blank, sizeof(blank));
cout << "\nFile created.";
int main(void)
client c;
void *ptr;
int n=0;
char *fname = "credit.txt";
make_file(fname, SIZE);
fstream iof("credit.txt",ios::in | ios::out);
cerr<<"File open error! "<<endl;
cout<<"\n\nenter the 10 customers into the file: "<< fname<<endl<<endl;
while(0 < c.account) // && c.account <= maxrec)
iof.seekp((c.account-1) * sizeof(client)); // position the pointer
iof.write((char *)&c, sizeof(c));
cout << "Account[1.."<< SIZE
<< "], Name, Balance (0 0 0 to exit)= ";
cin >> c.account >> c.name >> c.balance;
cout << "\n\nSHOW_FILE: The contents of file " << fname;
iof.seekg (0, ios::beg);
while(iof.read((char *)&c, sizeof(c))) //where I think the problem is
cout <<'\n'<< setw(3)<< ++n << setw(6) << c.account <<setw(20)
<< c.name << setw(10) << c.balance ;
// << " | " << IS.eof() << " " << ptr;
cout << "\n\n";
return 0;
A relative file is a file in which each record is identified by its ordinal position in the file allowing for random as well as sequential access.
You need to use binary reading/writing.
fstream iof("credit.txt",ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);