I have a "cart" Repeater
, where every item has a couple of controls in it. The ones we're focusing on are two DropDownLists
, a LinkButton
and a TextBox
. The lists are on one validation group and the button & textbox are on another.
Both lists have an OnSelectedIndexChanged
event handler which does some calculations based on the selections in both DropDownLists
. Both lists also have AutoPostBack="True"
The button has an OnClick
handler which also does some calculations according to the number in the textbox.
I need the calculations to be updated immediately - so I added another data binding for the Repeater
- on each event handler
The problem is - I can't get the value from the TextBox after I click on one of the DropDownLists
. It always comes off as 1. In the background, the OnSelectedIndexChanged
event handler fires first, and the buttons' OnClick
will fires after it. That only happens after I change one of the lists - and it happens every time I click that button from that moment on. Before that - everything is normal on all controls.
What do you think? Below is some code (I hope it's not too much, I included everything that's taking part) - Thank you very much!
Here's the repeater template:
<td class="size"><div><asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="_selectSize" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="selectChange" EnableViewState="true" TabIndex="<%#Container.ItemIndex%>" ValidationGroup="doNotValidate"></asp:DropDownList></div></td>
<td class="material"><div><asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="_selectMaterial" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="selectChange" EnableViewState="true" TabIndex="<%#Container.ItemIndex%>" ValidationGroup="doNotValidate"></asp:DropDownList></div></td>
<td class="quantity">
<div class="quantity_container"><asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="_txtAmount" name="quantity_<%#Container.ItemIndex%>" ValidationGroup="vCart"></asp:TextBox></div>
<div><asp:LinkButton runat="server" CssClass="refresh" id="_refreshCart" ValidationGroup="vCart"></asp:LinkButton></div>
The Repeater.DataBound()
Protected Sub rptCart_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles rptCart.ItemDataBound
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem OrElse e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Then
Dim OrderItem As ProxyMarket.Item = CType(e.Item.DataItem, ProxyMarket.Item)
Dim btnRemoveProduct As LinkButton = CType(e.Item.FindControl("_removeProduct"), LinkButton)
Dim btnRefreshCart As LinkButton = CType(e.Item.FindControl("_refreshCart"), LinkButton)
Dim txtAmount As TextBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("_txtAmount"), TextBox)
Dim sizeSelect As DropDownList = CType(e.Item.FindControl("_selectSize"), DropDownList)
Dim materialSelect As DropDownList = CType(e.Item.FindControl("_selectMaterial"), DropDownList)
btnRemoveProduct.CommandName = OrderItem.ID
btnRefreshCart.CommandName = OrderItem.ID
txtAmount.Text = OrderItem.Units
AddHandler btnRemoveProduct.Click, AddressOf removeProduct
AddHandler btnRefreshCart.Click, AddressOf refreshCart
sizeSelect.DataSource = sizeList
sizeSelect.SelectedIndex = s
materialSelect.DataSource = materialList
materialSelect.SelectedIndex = m
End If
End Sub
Here is the DropDownLists
event handler:
Protected Sub selectChange(ByVal sender As DropDownList, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim listing As New PriceListing
Dim ddl As DropDownList
Dim selectedIndex As Integer
If sender.ID = "_selectSize" Then
For Each rptrItem As RepeaterItem In rptCart.Items
ddl = CType(rptrItem.FindControl("_selectMaterial"), DropDownList)
If ddl.TabIndex = sender.TabIndex Then Exit For
For Each listing In artDecoPricing
If listing.Size = sender.SelectedValue Then Exit For
selectedIndex = ddl.SelectedIndex
s = sender.SelectedIndex
ElseIf sender.ID = "_selectMaterial" Then
For Each rptrItem As RepeaterItem In rptCart.Items
ddl = CType(rptrItem.FindControl("_selectSize"), DropDownList)
If ddl.TabIndex = sender.TabIndex Then Exit For
For Each listing In artDecoPricing
If listing.Size = ddl.SelectedValue Then Exit For
selectedIndex = sender.SelectedIndex
s = ddl.SelectedIndex
End If
Select Case selectedIndex
Case 0
Cart.Order.Items(sender.TabIndex).PriceUnit = listing.Canvas
Case 1
Cart.Order.Items(sender.TabIndex).PriceUnit = listing.Acrylic
Case 2
Cart.Order.Items(sender.TabIndex).PriceUnit = listing.Framed
Case 3
Cart.Order.Items(sender.TabIndex).PriceUnit = listing.Alucobond
End Select
s = sender.SelectedIndex
m = selectedIndex
rptCart.DataSource = Cart.Order.Items
End Sub
And finally, the LinkButton
Protected Sub refreshCart(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim btnRefreshCart As LinkButton = CType(sender, LinkButton)
Dim amountStr As String
Dim amount As Integer
amountStr = CType(btnRefreshCart.Parent.FindControl("_txtAmount"), TextBox).Text
If IsNumeric(amountStr) Then
amount = CDbl(amountStr)
amount = -1
End If
amount = IIf(amount > 0, amount, -30)
For Each Item As ProxyMarket.Item In Cart.Order.Items
If Item.ID = btnRefreshCart.CommandName Then
Item.Units = amount
Cart.Edit_Product(btnRefreshCart.CommandName, amount)
Exit For
End If
rptCart.DataSource = Cart.Order.Items
End Sub
Thank you :)
I found a solution!
Apparently this is happening because of a viewstate limitation in ASP.NET which causes the OnSelectedIndexChanged
to fire on Page_Load regardless if the user actually selected a different value.
So when the event handler fires, I am checking whether it is the DropDownLists
which called me or a different control - that prevents the event from firing when it doesn't need to - and keeps all event handling on the page intact:
Protected Sub selectChange(ByVal sender As DropDownList, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim senderClientID = Page.Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET")
' Run ONLY if the relevant select control was clicked,
' otherwise this is only fired because of ASP.NET limitations,
' and will screw up the original event:
If senderClientID.IndexOf("_selectSize") <> -1 Or senderClientID.IndexOf("_selectMaterial") <> -1 Then
'do stuff