I have two classes in a database, and wish to set up a one to many relation. Nothing complicated. However, I'm getting an assertion failure in squeryl's _splitEquality (on line 576). Squeryl is version 0.9.5
So I have a schema
object Tables extends Schema {
val foo = table[Foo]("foo_table")
val bar = table[Bar]("bar_table")
val fooBar = oneToManyRelation(foo,bar).via((f,b) => f.id === bar.foo_fk)
Where foo is
class Foo (val foo_id: String, val useful_info: String)
extends KeyedEntity[String] {
override def id: String = foo_id
and bar is
class bar (val foo_fk) {
def useful_info = Tables.fooBar.right(this).head.useful_info
However, this fails at runtime with the previously mentioned assertion failure, specifically that:
I fixed it by using a column annotation on Foo instead of overriding id. So foo became
class Foo (
val id: String,
val useful_info: String)
extends KeyedEntity[String] {
I'm not totally sure why this worked, but I'm annoyed that it did.