I have hundreds of keys for example like:
i have data related to these keys, data is a string and has related key at the end.
i am expected to use hash table and hash function to record the data according to keys and i am expected to be able to retieve data from table.
i know to use hash function and hash table, there is no problem here.
i am expected to give the program a string which takes place as a substring and retrieve the data for the matching keys.
For example:
i must give "red" and must be able to get
as output.
i must give "apple" and must be able to get
as output.
i only can think to search all keys if they has a matching substring, is there some other solution? If i search all the key strings for every query, use of hashing is unneeded, meaningless, is it?
But, searching all keys for substring is O(N), i am expected to solve the problem with O(1).
With hashing i can hash a key e.g. "redapple" to e.g. 943, and "maninred" to e.g. 332.
And query man give the string "red" how can i found out from 943 and 332 that the keys has "red" substring? It is out of my cs thinking skills.
Thanks for any advise, idea.
Possible you should use the invert index for n-gramm, the same approach is used for spell correction. For word redapple you will have following set of 3-gramms red, eda, dap, app, ppl, ple. For each n-gramm you will have a list of string in which contains it. For example for red it will be
red -> maninred, redapple
words in this list must be ordered. When you want to find the all string that contains a a give substring, you dived the substring on n-gramm and intercept the list of words for n-gramm.
This alogriphm is not O(n), but it practice it has enough speed.