While using uiimagepicker, is there any way of specifying which user created album the images should be picked from?Ill explain.Suppose there are two albums created by the user in the ipad.Let them be named 'friends' and 'students'.Is there any way of specifying which one of these albums the photos should be accessed from ?or How can i know the name of the album the picked image belongs to?
can it be done via alsset methods?What i want to do is access photos from a particular synched album using their names.Is it even possible.I mean does iphone use its own naming conventions or are the original image names retained?
You should use ALAssetsLibrary and make your own custom picker. You can find a custom image picker using ALAssetsLibrary at https://github.com/B-Sides/ELCImagePickerController
When the user selects an image from the custom picker, you are returned with the ALAsset object from which you can get the required image, album it belongs to etc. You can save that and modify the custom picker to navigate to a selected album.