Does Google Chrome Frame add CSS3 capabilities as well to IE ?
One of our clients uses IE6/IE7 in their company . So we advised them to install Chrome Frame on their systems - so that the browsers meet standards .
So now the question is -
Is [ IE + Chrome Frame ] ~ [Chrome ] ?
Can I assume that anything that works on Chrome [ say CSS3] will work on [ IE + Chrome Frame ] ?
If not what are the elements of Google Chrome Frame that do not get passed on to IE via Chrome Frame ?
Coming back to the main Question, Will CSS3 work on IE6+ Chrome Frame ?
Yes. It will replace the rendering with chromes webkit.
Google Chrome Frame seamlessly enhances your browsing experience in Internet Explorer. It displays Google Chrome Frame enabled sites using Google Chrome’s rendering technology, giving you access to the latest HTML5 features as well as Google Chrome’s performance and security features without in any way interrupting your usual browser usage.
They don't mention CSS3, but that one belongs under HTML5 in googles terms.
I would not count on every feature being in Google Chrome Frame, as they might be a little behind Google Chrome.