I got an error with a dynamic query. This is the query that i have:
select * from Tbl_Member
<isNotNull property="FirstName">
FIRST_NAME = #lastName#
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="lastName">
LAST_NAME = #lastName#
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="">
If the property FirstName
is not null, the query works. But if the property is null and the other left property LastName
is not null, I get a SQL error.
Because in this condition the SQL statement becomes as follow:
select * from Tbl_Member WHERE AND LAST_NAME = ? ...
How can I remove the first-prepended AND
if the first property becomes Null
I also tried removeFirstPrepend="true"
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="lastName" removeFirstPrepend="true">
LAST_NAME = #lastName#
But unfortunately, it doesn't work either.
try with
<dynamic prepend="WHERE">
select * from Tbl_Member
<dynamic prepend="WHERE">
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="FirstName">
FIRST_NAME = #lastName#
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="lastName">
LAST_NAME = #lastName#
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="">