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Android Threads and Throwables

I have a class (let's call it ABC) that executes I/O. Some things like FileOutputStream.close make you use try catch blocks around them. In addition, I created my own throwable objects that help the user and me know what is going on.

In the this class I passed in the context of the activity that creates it and made it such that I create and alert dialog box with the throwable text.

So here is my problem I need to run this class off of a new thread, but still want to get the information from the text of the throwable.

So for example this is what a typical catch clause looks like in my class.

new AlertDialog.Builder(myContext)
                        .setTitle("Error Message")
                                "Error Code: #006" + "\n" + T.toString())
                                new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                                    public void onClick(
                                            DialogInterface dialog,
                                            int which) {
                                        // TODO: Add Ability to Email
                                        // Developer


Would I just do something like

throw new Throwable(throwable);

this inside the ABC class in place of the alert dialog? Then would I move the alert dialog to a try catch where my the Runnable interface run method is called or the do in background for an asynchtask?


  • Use Java's Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler to save the text / display a dialog. So you would make a new class extending Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, like this:

    public class myThreadExceptionHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
        private DataTargetClass dataTarget;
        public myThreadExceptionHandler(DataTargetClass c)
            dataTarget = c;
        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e)
            dataTarget.exceptionObject = e;
            // Just substitute in whatever method your thread uses to return information.

    In your code that started the thread, you would do this:

    foo = new DataTargetClass();
    Thread t = new Thread(myIoRunnable(foo));
    t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new myThreadExceptionHandler(foo));