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Javascript - slidesjs not work on android (ok on all the rest)

I am using SlidesJS for a simple slider ...

It works on most browsers (including iOS), but somehow it fails on Android: the sliding actually works, but it displays no images.

The WIP website is here.

I would greatly appreciate any input and remarks, as I have absolutely no experience with mobile OS.


  • Ok . after a very long debugging - the problem was caused by google maps embading code . Specifically by the (otherwise excellent) Google Maps v3 Shortcode plugin .

    the plugin injects a css (why???)

    .entry-content img {max-width: 100000%;  /* override */ }

    in function gmaps_header()

    inside file google-maps-v3-shortcode/Google-Maps-v3-Shortcode.php

    Commenting it out will resolve the problem for android like so :

    /*.entry-content img {max-width: 100000%;   override  }*/

    I do not really know WHY it is doing so, and I did not checked all otehr browsers / versions . I did check chrome , opera and firefox on winxp - and it works fine . Another method is to put this css inside a conditional browser detection class for andriod.