I have coordinates (x,y,z) for a evenly spaced 3D grid. Given a random 3D point (x,y,z) somewhere on the grid, how to find which cube has the point. I need to know the 8 corners of the cube.
I have the grid point data in a list of vectors in c++.
Assuming equal length for the grid cubes in all dimentions, you can get the coordinate closest to ohe origo by calculating
gx = x - x%l;
gy = y - y%l;
gz = z - z%l;
Where gx
, gy
, gz
are the grid cube coordinates closest to the origo (I'm assuming x
>=0 here), %
is the modulus operator and l
is the length of the grid cubes.
Note: You can perform the calculations this way as well: gx = static_cast<int>(x)/l*l;
to account for non-integer x
Then the 8 corners of the grid cube (x, y, z)
falls into are:
(gx, gy, gz)
(gx+l, gy, gz)
(gx, gy+l, gz)
(gx, gy, gz+l)
(gx+l, gy+l, gz)
(gx+l, gy, gz+l)
(gx, gy+l, gz+l)
(gx+l, gy+l, gz+l)