every time I save an object, I get this warning in the instance log:
[..]deployment/eggs/ZODB3-3.10.5-py2.6-linux-i686.egg/ZODB/Connection.py:660: UserWarning: The <class 'persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping'>
object you're saving is large. (29343532 bytes.)
and indeed, saving takes long. Putting a pdb into the place where this is printed triggers during the transaction commit and shows me indeed that a PersistentMapping is written of type:
{1: path_to_a_content_object,
2: path_to_other_content_object,
129000: path_to_yetanother_content_object }
It seems I have one entry for every content object in my site. As this happens during commit, I cannot see where that mapping is stored.
Does anybody have a pointer what that could be?
Thanks a lot! Alex
Take a look at http://plone.org/documentation/kb/debug-zodb-bloat