I'm trying to create a distributable module for Netbeans 7.1 which will contain a license template and some java templates. I'm following the tutorial at Netbean's support but they only talk about how to create an HTML template. If I create a java file to use as a template, the builder tries to compile the template and fails.
My project looks like this:
Netbeans Code Template Module
+ org.myorg.nbcodetemplates
- Bundle.properties
+ org.myorg.nbcodetemplates.javaclass
- JavaClass.java
- JavaClassDescription.html
- package-info.java
+ org.myorg.nbcodetemplates.license
- LicenseDescription.html
- license-myorg.txt
- package-info.java
How do I get the builder to skip the Java template - or is there something else I should have done here? It seems to be happy if I leave the JavaClass.java named JavaClass.html and build the module that way, but it shows up as an HTML file when I try to add it to a project through the New File wizard.
just change name of your file from
after that .template will be removed automatically