I want to do something like this, where Foo
is a class with one String field name, and getter/setter:
<form:form id="frmFoo" modelAttribute="foos">
<c:forEach items="${foos}" var="foo">
<form:input path="${foo.name}" type="text"/>
And then submit the complete list of Foos with updated names?
My controller looks like this:
@RequestMapping(value = "/FOO", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String getSendEmail(List<Foo> foos, Model model) {
// ...
Maybe this answersyour question:
public class FooController{
//returns the ModelAttribute fooListWrapper with the view fooForm
@RequestMapping(value = "/FOO", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getFooForm(Model model) {
FooListWrapper fooListWrapper = new FooListWrapper();
fooListWrapper.add(new Foo());
fooListWrapper.add(new Foo());
//add as many FOO you need
model.addAttribute("fooListWrapper", fooListWrapper);
return "fooForm";
@RequestMapping(value = "/FOO", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String postFooList(@ModelAttribute("fooListWrapper")FooListWrapper fooListWrapper, Model model) {
public class FooListWrapper {
private List<Foo> fooList;
public FooListWrapper() {
this.fooList = new ArrayList<Foo>();
public List<Foo> getFooList() {
return fooList;
public void setFooList(List<Foo> fooList) {
this.fooList = fooList;
public void add(Foo foo) {
public class Foo {
private String name;
public Foo() {
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
JSP VIEW (name = fooForm):
<c:url var="fooUrl" value="/FOO"/>
<form:form id="frmFoo" action="${fooUrl}" method="POST" modelAttribute="fooListWrapper">
<c:forEach items="${fooListWrapper.fooList}" varStatus="i">
<form:input path="fooList[${i.index}].name" type="text"/>