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How to Clone the Entity object and all of its associated entities values aswell with EF in MVC

I have a entity "Player" that has "one to many" association to other entities. When I clone one of my Player rows the entities that are associated with Player are not getting cloned. but the Player data row gets cloned. I need the assocations values to get cloned aswell. How can I do this?

Here is the code inside my respository

public Player CreateTemplate(Player player)
Player.EntityKey = null;
return player;

Here is my Action method:

public ActionResult CreatePlayerTemplate(int id)
var player = MyRepository.GetPlayerdByID(id);
return View();

Update: this how i retrieve Player :

 public Player GetPlayerByID(int id)
        return db.Player.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);


  • Alternative, kinda hacky approach - use mapping tool, like AutoMapper

    Define self-maps for every entity participating in cloning, and configure to ignore entity key

    Mapper.CreateMap<Player, Player>()
    .ForMember(x => x.EntityKey, y => y.Ignore());
    Mapper.CreateMap<SomeOtherEntity, SomeOtherEntity>()
    .ForMember(x => x.EntityKey, y => y.Ignore());

    And then just clone entities

    var clonnedPlayer = Mapper.Map<Player>(originalPlayer);

    Also, this way you could configure not to clone lookup-like tables to not duplicate lookup data