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Attached NSMutableArray data in E-mail Body?

I am New To Iphone Array store UIlabel along with properties.For Exp,Text,TextColor,background color etc.Now i want to send all the array data in E-mail body. here is my code.

    NSUserDefaults *userDefault=[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
    NSData *myDecodedObject = [userDefault objectForKey: [NSString 
    NSArray *arr= [[NSArray alloc] init];
    arr= [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:myDecodedObject]; 
    NSString *string = [arr componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];
    NSString *emailBody = string;
    NSLog(@"Testing %@", string);
    [mailer setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:NO];
    [self presentModalViewController:mailer animated:YES];
    [mailer release];

My array show all the objects which is store in it and also show bytes.At this time my array contain 5 UIlabel .Now i want to send all these UIlabel in E-mail body.but NSLog i see this.

Testing UILabel: 0x8123760; frame = (135.5 136; 99 30); text = 'Fddddddddddddddsaafgghjkl...'; clipsToBounds = YES; hidden = YES; layer = CALayer: 0x8161590

UILabel: 0x81619b0; frame = (148 323; 69 15); text = 'Xxxxxxxxxxx'; clipsToBounds = YES; layer = CALayer: 0x8161a50

UILabel: 0x8161b70; frame = (140 341; 56 19); text = 'Xxxxxxx'; clipsToBounds = YES; layer = CALayer: 0x81618f0

UILabel: 0x8161d70; frame = (69.5 121.5; 99 145); text = 'Fddddddddddddddsaafgghjkl...'; clipsToBounds = YES; hidden = YES; layer = CALayer: 0x8161e00

UILabel: 0x8161f10; frame = (108 321; 99 145); text = 'Fddddddddddddddsaafgghjkl...'; clipsToBounds = YES; layer = CALayer: 0x8161f80

Not Seen any data in please Suggest What is Best approach to send array data in E-mail.Thanx


  • useMFmailComposer's addDataAttachements method to add the data from array

         NSData *data = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:arr1];
           NSLog(@"Testing %@", data);
          [controller addAttachmentData:data mimeType:@"application/octet-stream";  