I'm using SQL Server[s] 2008 R2 [Express].
I would like to create an installation file.sql file for an example database.
In file.sql I mean a file that will run from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as a query.
I would like to have a single file including the database itself and all tables and data.
How do I export an entire database into such a file?
It is a very small database.
I do not worry about database name duplicate on the new server.
There are Unicode characters and many special characters in data including {[(<`.,'|"?*&/>)]}
In management studio
Right click on Database name
choose Tasks > Generate scripts
Next, Choose "Script entire database"
Next, go to Advanced
Types of data to script => choose "Schema and Data" (and check other options for your needs)
Select file to save to
If it's used in Management Studio only, you'll be faster using Backup and Recovery !