I'm trying to TestFlight's upload API to automate builds. Here's their documentation: https://testflightapp.com/api/doc/
This is the minimalist curl command-line request that I've tested and had working:
.\curl.exe http://testflightapp.com/api/builds.json
-F file=@MyFileName.ipa
-F api_token='myapitoken' -F team_token='myteamtoken'
-F notes='curl test'
I've tried converting that into C# like this:
var uploadRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://testflightapp.com/api/builds.json") as HttpWebRequest;
uploadRequest.Method = "POST";
uploadRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data";
var postParameters = string.Format("api_token={0}&team_token={1}¬es=autobuild&file=", TESTFLIGHT_API_TOKEN, TESTFLIGHT_TEAM_TOKEN);
var byteParameters = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postParameters);
var ipaData = File.ReadAllBytes(IPA_PATH);
uploadRequest.ContentLength = byteParameters.Length + ipaData.Length;
var requestStream = uploadRequest.GetRequestStream();
requestStream.Write(byteParameters, 0, byteParameters.Length);
requestStream.Write(ipaData, 0, ipaData.Length);
var uploadResponse = uploadRequest.GetResponse();
Unfortunately at GetResponse()
I get a (500) Internal Server Error
and no more info.
I'm not sure if the data in my postParameters should be wrapped by '
s or not -- I've tried it both ways. I also don't know if my content type is right. I've also tried application/x-www-form-urlencoded
but that didn't have any effect.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks to Adrian Iftode's comment, I found RestSharp, which allowed me to implement the request like this:
var testflight = new RestClient("http://testflightapp.com");
var uploadRequest = new RestRequest("api/builds.json", Method.POST);
uploadRequest.AddParameter("api_token", TESTFLIGHT_API_TOKEN);
uploadRequest.AddParameter("team_token", TESTFLIGHT_TEAM_TOKEN);
uploadRequest.AddParameter("notes", "autobuild");
uploadRequest.AddFile("file", IPA_PATH);
var response = testflight.Execute(uploadRequest);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK,
"Build not uploaded, testflight returned error " + response.StatusDescription);
If you're making a UI app, RestSharp can also do asyncronous execution. Check the docs at the link above!