I have stumbled upon the following F77 yacc grammar: http://yaxx.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/yaxx/yaxx/fortran/fortran.y?revision=1.3&view=markup.
How can I make a Fortran 77 parser out of this file using Happy?
Why is there some C?/C++? code in that .y file?
UPDATE: Thank you for your replies!
I've been playing with two fresh approaches for a while now:
I've got both to parse simple code excerpts already. I'll keep people in the know should something usable come into existence within this century ^__^" hehe.
P/S: Want to see whether I could gather enough momentum on my own to initiate a project for an automatic differentiation engine to replace a binary-only one we depend on for the time being. For entertainment at the initial stages: I'm watching Love Shuffle! It's a very enjoyable J-Drama! Highly recommendable ...
Use BNFC and write your own grammar from scratch! BNFC works wonders and you could do your parsing exactly as you desire.