i am using the Booksleeve hash api for Redis. I am doing the following:
CurrentConnection.Hashes.Set(0, "item:1", "priority", task.priority.ToString());
var taskResult = CurrentConnection.Hashes.GetString(0, "item:1", "priority");
var priority = Int32.Parse(taskResult.Result)
However i am getting an Aggregate exception: "ERR Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value"
I am not sure what i am doing wrong here (except of blocking the task :)).
Note: CurrentConnection is an instance of BookSleeve.RedisConnection
Please help!
That is not a Booksleeve issue - it is a redis error; in fact, the full error message you should be seeing is:
Redis server: ERR Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
(where I try to make it clear that this error has come from redis, not Booksleeve)
As for what causes this: each key in redis has a designated type; string, hash, list, etc. You cannot use hash operations on something that is not a hash.
My guess, then, is that "item:1" already exists, but as something other than a hash. I have unit tests that confirm this from Booksleeve (i.e. with/without a pre-existing non-hash value).
You can investigate this in redis using redis-cli or any other client (telnet works, at a push), with the command:
type item:1
(thanks @Sripathi)