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delphi 2006, SynTaskDialog compilation error in custom component

i am working on component for delphi 7 and delphi 2006, the component uses SynTaskDialog.pas from synopse, i have successfully used the SynTaskDialog.pas in delphi 7 component, but when i try to use it in delphi 2006 to create a component package. i get an error

enter image description here

i have found a solution for the same on


I've found two workarounds: Either

  1. replace the pointer arrays with string arrays like
  TD_ICONS_IDENT: array[TTaskDialogIcon] of string =(
    '', SMsgDlgWarning, SMsgDlgConfirm, SMsgDlgError, SMsgDlgInformation,
    '', SMsgDlgInformation);

and remove some LoadResString calls or

2.replace the pointer arrays with functions like

  GetIconIdent(TTaskDialogIcon): Pointer

but even after that i cannot compile the package for the component. and these errors come

 [Pascal Error] E2201 Need imported data reference ($G) to access 'SMsgDlgOK' from unit 'SynTaskDialog'
 [Pascal Error] E2201 Need imported data reference ($G) to access 'SMsgDlgYes' from unit 'SynTaskDialog'
 [Pascal Error] E2201 Need imported data reference ($G) to access 'SMsgDlgNo' from unit 'SynTaskDialog'
 [Pascal Error] E2201 Need imported data reference ($G) to access 'SMsgDlgCancel' from unit 'SynTaskDialog'
 [Pascal Error] E2201 Need imported data reference ($G) to access 'SMsgDlgRetry' from unit 'SynTaskDialog'
 [Pascal Error] E2201 Need imported data reference ($G) to access 'SCloseButton' from unit 'SynTaskDialog'


  • Why didn't you ask the question of the project forum?

    A solution may enhance the official code of this Open Source unit.

    OK - it may help me gain some SO points. ;)

    AFAIK this "E2001" issue has already been identified - see this post and should have been fixed in the latest trunk. This is what sounds to work with Delphi 7, but not with Delphi 2006.

    Here is a potential workaround of this compiler bug:

    Define such a function:

    function IconMessage(Icon: TTaskDialogIcon): string;
      case Icon of
        tiWarning:   result := SMsgDlgWarning;
        tiQuestion:  result := SMsgDlgConfirm;
        tiError:     result := SMsgDlgError;
        tiInformation, tiShield: result := SMsgDlgInformation;
        else result := '';

    To be used as such:

    if Inst='' then
      Inst := IconMessage(aDialogIcon);

    This is now committed in the project trunk.

    Thanks for using our Open Source component!