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Rails Thin server unresponsive

I have installed Ruby 1.9.2-p290 (via RVM) and Rails 3.2.2. EventMachine 0.12.10, Thin 1.3.1 and Rack 1.4.0

Im starting the application like this:

zonic@laptop:~/rails-projects/project$ bundle exec thin start --threaded
>> Using rack adapter
/home/zonic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/actionpack-3.2.2/lib/action_dispatch/http/mime_type.rb:102: warning: already initialized constant PNG
>> Thin web server (v1.3.1 codename Triple Espresso)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop

And there it remains, forever. I try to navigate to localhost:3000 but it just doesn't reply. When i crtl+c it, this is what i get:

^C>> Stopping ...
log writing failed. deadlock; recursive locking

I've searched for this problem in the web but with no luck. My current OS is Ubuntu 12.04 64b


  • You are starting thin in threaded mode. Did you uncomment config.threadsafe! in your rails config so that it plays well with a threaded server?